Posts in Community
244. Wayne Berger, Chief Executive Officer, the Americas at Iwg Plc (Regus, Spaces) Recovery, Growth Strategy, and What They’re Selling Most Right Now

With 3300 locations worldwide, IWG, a public company, is by far the largest flexible workspace provider in the world. They have locations in 120 countries and serve over 8 million members under a broad array of brand flags including Regus, Spaces, The Wing, and The Clubhouse.

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241. Coworking Q&As: JV’s for Cafes, Managing Shared Memberships, Coworking Social Media Accounts to Follow

On this episode, I answer three questions from the Everything Coworking Facebook Group on creating a joint venture to run a cafe adjacent to a coworking space, managing shared membership requests between spouses/household members, and social media accounts to follow and tips for coworking social media accounts.

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